Our values


True values for economic success.

HPW snack manufacturing facilities in West Africa set new standards in quality and productivity. We create and maintain stable value chains, empower our managers and team members, and respect nature. Our targets are manufacturing premium products and thriving on markets worldwide while improving prosperity and quality of life in West Africa. Our past and current success proves that we have chosen the right path. It is the path of evolution, step-by-step, towards a modern Africa.


True values in partnership with growers.

We partner with our farmers based on dialogue, appreciation, and continuity. We support them in becoming more professional and efficient. As a major fruit buyer and processor in West Africa, this is our action to access the best fruit quality in reasonable quantities every day.


True Values for good performance in snack manufacturing.

We share responsibilities with our management team and offer fairness, trust, and respect to all our 2‘000 employees in Ghana, Ivory Coast, and Switzerland. It starts with fair pay, year-round employment where possible, and intense capacity building. We all strive for continuous improvement in everything we do: maintaining our high standard of product quality, increasing productivity, and creating innovative new snacks.


Pure taste creates market success, and true values form customer relationships.

Only the sweetest fresh fruits are refined into dried fruits and snacks with the greatest care and hygiene standards. The consumer‘s choice always comes first; we want our customers to succeed in their markets. They shall count on our awareness for quality, reliability, and transparency.


Community and Environment benefit from true values.

Over the years, we have become a significant fruit buyer in West Africa. We create and maintain value chains in West Africa where there were none. Our West African employees benefit from personal capacity building and social benefits. At both factories, we make good use of all the fruit waste. We transform it into energy or use it as the perfect fertilizer for organic farming. We use water from our own sources and purify it after use. HPW AG operates on two continents, but it is a team that constantly strives for improvement, lives its values, and works towards a common goal:

True Values. Pure Taste.

Creating value Success in cultivation

We live a true partnership with our farmers and producers. A partnership that is based on appreciation, continuity and proximity proximity.
We know exactly where our fruit comes from - namely from local, predominantly smallholder farms with whom we work on a long-term basis. Others may go where they get the cheapest prices - we stay where we get the best quality!

To this end, we support and promote our farmers with targeted measures and programmes to make their cultivation even more professional, efficient and sustainable. In addition to securing their livelihoods, they can also develop their farms in terms of quality and quantity - and we as fruit processors benefit every day from outstanding, naturally sweet fruit.

Values create outstanding products.

We treat our approximately 2000 employees in Ghana and the Ivory Coast with fairness, trust and respect. with fairness, trust and respect.

This begins - as a matter of course for us - with good pay and permanent employment, as we produce not just seasonally, but 365 days a year. We also offer additional company benefits such as a Montessori kindergarten for employees' children and an in-house fitness studio. We provide qualifications and further training and promote young talent through an international study programme. The management of our production sites is entirely in local hands. We rely on mutual trust and motivation to achieve the best results. And, when in doubt, to overcome challenges that others fail. Together, we look back with pride on the BRC AA and IFS certifications - but above all, of course, on the products that are created with fantastic employees and state-of-the-art technology: unique, high-quality dried fruit and innovative snacks.

Respect also applies to the way we treat nature: converting almost all fruit waste into green energy and generating electricity using solar panels contribute to our goals of "zero CO2" and "zero waste". Added to this is resource-conserving water management

Values create customer relationships. / Values create success stories.
What our international customers can always count on is Quality awareness, reliability and transparency. We process first-class raw products into exquisite dried fruit and snacks with the utmost care and under the highest hygiene standards. Whether bulk or private label: we manage the complete packaging and transport all over the world - so that our customers can operate successfully in their local markets with fruit products "Made in West Africa". Our product innovations and support with our expertise for specific requests also contribute to this.

Values create new added value.

We create and maintain value chains that did not previously exist in this form in West Africa. This begins with intensive cooperation in the field. It continues through the entire processing and production process in our West African operations. And last but not least, local service providers such as craftsmen, technicians and other service providers benefit indirectly from our locations. Our goal is to constantly improve together - because improvement is simply in our DNA.

HPW AG operates on four continents, but it is a team that shares and lives by common values - and works towards a clear