According to the principles of Maria Montessori
With the guiding principle "Help me to do it myself", the Montessori guiding principle nurtures and promotes the child's natural joy of learning. The philosophy supports the individuality and creativity of each child and thus promotes sustainable learning.
With the crèche, HPW provides an infrastructure that enables the local carers to offer up to 120 children a safe and supportive learning environment. The crèche provides teaching materials, school uniforms and two healthy meals a day. A school bus picks the children up daily and takes them home again. The costs of the crèche places are largely subsidised by HPW.
For the next generation
Montessori crèche in Ghana
In autumn 2019, HPW opened a Montessori daycare centre in Adeiso, Ghana. The daycare centre offers women the opportunity to continue working after the birth of their children, ensures their independence and helps to improve the social situation of families in Ghana.